Learn Spanish with Spanish Now

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Welcome to the grammar page

Here you can learn about:

  1. Present tense
  2. Past tenses
  3. Future tenses
Macro Mondays: Wabi-Sabi

There are other more complex tenses in the Spanish grammar, but on this page we are just going to focus on mastering the basics.

1.Present Tenses: Simple vs. Progressive

Present progressive tense

This tense is not always often used in Spanish, but when it is, it usually refers to an action currently in progress. Watch this video to find out how it's conjugated and when it's best to use it:

Simple Present tense (regular) endings: -AR -ER -IR
Yo(I) o o o
Tu(You) as es es
El/Ella/Usted(He/She/It) a e e
Nosotros/as(We) amos emos imos
Vosotros/as(You pl.) áis éis ís
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes(They) an en en

2.Past tenses: Imperfect vs. Preterite

Imperfect tense (regular) endings: -AR -ER/IR
Yo(I) aba ía
Tu(You) abas ías
El/Ella/Usted(He/She/It) aba ía
Nosotros/as(We) ábamos íamos
Vosotros/as(You pl.) abais íais
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes(They) aban ían
Preterit tense (regular) endings: -AR -ER/IR
Yo(I) é í
Tu(You) aste iste
El/Ella/Usted(He/She/It) ó
Nosotros/as(We) amos imos
Vosotros/as(You pl.) asteis isteis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes(They) aron ieron

Tips for differentiating the use of the Imperfect and Preterit tense:

Watch this video to find out more!

3.Spanish future tenses

Future simple vs. Conditional:

Watch these videos learn the conjugations and to understand their use!
